Net Promoters and Detractors

Let’s start this off with a question, On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you want to see your customers happy? 10 right? This is the same answer for every company. Companies live to satisfy their customers because customer dissatisfaction means loss. 

When looking at Net Promoters and Detractors in a business, you want to look at customers who are likely to exhibit value to the growth of the business, these are Promoters OR those who are likely to take away that value from the business growth, and these are called Detractors.

What is Net Promoter Scale (NPS) and what does it measure?

NPS is a metric used in Customer experience programs. NPS measures the loyalty of customer to a company. The scoring scale is normally measured form 0 to 10 scale, whereas those who respond from 9 to 10 are called Promoters, those who respond from 0 to 6 are called Detractors and those who respond 7 and 8 are called Passives. 

To calculate the overall NPS for the company, you need to subtract percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Importance of NPS

NPS can be used as a predictor of your business growth. Whenever the company’s NPS is high this means the growth of your company is good and your company has a healthy relationship with its customers, you know this when you have customers who are likely to spread the word about your brand, products or services to promote a growth cycle for your company.

Keeping a NPS score will help to identify way forward to changing or promoting some of the things done in the company in order to keep the percentage of promoters on high or at least higher than the industry level.

Steps to make NPS useful for your Business

Step 1: Reach out: There’s no way you will know whether a customer is happy or not without finding our directly from them. You want to hear it first hand from the customer, this is known as the “Voice of the Customer (VOC)”. Ask questions like, “How can we improve your experience?” “What do you like best/least about (company service or product?)”, “What is the one thing we could do to make you happier?” Or you could even ask “on a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate (company service/ product?)

Step 2: Work on the Feedback: Most companies fail to enhance their growth cycle since they can ask questions but do not give proper rectification of the responses they get. The Voice of the Customer (VOC) is intended to make sure you give the customer what satisfies their need. The first step to promoting the NPS is to work on the customer Feedback.

Step 3: Maintain the NPS Statistics: Now that you have heard from the customer and found a way to implement improvements, you want to make sure that you create a culture for your company to strive in a positive growth cycle and stay there. Once you have maintained a level of customer satisfaction and happiness in the company your NPS will show a higher percentage of Net Promoters. 

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